Mercury vapor lamps, traditionally used for ultraviolet (UV) light treatment, have drawbacks due to their inefficiency and hazardous materials. UV light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) offer a safer and more efficient alternative. Transitioning to UV-LEDs can improve water disinfection reliability and sustainability for public health protection. However, further research is required to assess the...
The Amazon, as the world's largest tropical forest and a critical biodiversity hotspot, faces growing vulnerability to climate change. To ensure the preservation of its ecological integrity, there is a need for intensified conservation efforts. Ecuador's Reserva Biológica Colonso Chalupas, nestled between the Amazon rainforest and the Andes, presents a unique opportunity to understand the...
Amblyomma es un género de garrapatas neotropicales, parasitan vertebrados terrestres, incluido el ser humano y son vectores de potenciales patógenos. En el Neotrópico se han realizado investigaciones para detectar patógenos en estas garrapatas, siendo el género Rickettsia el más reportado. La presencia de agentes Rickettsiales es poco estudiada en garrapatas del Ecuador. Con el objetivo de...