The Amazon, as the world's largest tropical forest and a critical biodiversity hotspot, faces growing vulnerability to climate change. To ensure the preservation of its ecological integrity, there is a need for intensified conservation efforts. Ecuador's Reserva Biológica Colonso Chalupas, nestled between the Amazon rainforest and the Andes, presents a unique opportunity to understand the biodiversity of the Amazon. While traditional biodiversity research has predominantly centred on plants and vertebrates, it is crucial to recognize that insects constitute the most diverse group in terms of species. Particularly the Staphylinidae family, the largest family of animals, where 908 rove beetle species were reported to Ecuador. Among them, the subfamily Paederinae encompasses an astonishing number of 7,982 species. Due to their adaptability across various types of forests, ease of collection, and sensitivity to ecological changes, they are considered highly suitable as robust biodiversity indicators. Therefore, this work goal was to check the true species diversity of rove beetles to test the hypothesis that Reserva Biológica Colonso Chalupas is a biodiversity hotspot. In this regard, a 14-day field expedition was carried out in July 2022. The study primarily employed active collection techniques, utilizing leaf litter sifters and Winkler extractors. This effort yielded significant results, including the discovery of 16 genera newly reported for Ecuador and the identification of two genera new to science awaiting formal description. The findings from our fieldwork expedition underscore the exceptional biodiversity of rove beetles within Reserva Biológica Colonso Chalupas and suggest the necessity of intensified conservation measures to safeguard the ecological integrity of this region. These results reinforce the importance of focusing on less-studied taxa, such as insects.
Speaker: Karen V. Bonilla F. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia)
Contexto de la investigación | Presente |
Institución de afiliación del ponente | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia |
Temáticas | Ecología y ecosistemas |
Área/Area | Biodiversidad |