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4-7 diciembre 2023
America/Guayaquil timezone

Evaluation of the relationships between drought periods in Ecuador and the El Niño event

4 dic. 2023 14:30
Edificio de Laboratorios. Aula 2B

Edificio de Laboratorios. Aula 2B

Oral Presention/ Presentación Oral Ciencias básicas, de la vida y ambientales en el contexto del cambio climático, biodiversidad y sostenibilidad Sesión Oral / Oral Session 2.3


Mrs Jheimy Pacheco Nivelo (Universidad del Azuay)


Prolonged droughts, worsened by climatic factors like El Niño, amplify harm to biodiversity, economies, and society, posing complex research challenges. We analyze the relationships between El Niño climatic indices and drought periods over Ecuador. Through spatial daily precipitation (1985-2015), we calculated the number of consecutive dry days (CDD) in climatic zones of Coastal, Andean and Amazonian regions of Ecuador, such as Rainy mega thermal (RM) (Coastal and Amazonian), Tropical mega thermal humid (TMh) (Coastal and Amazonian), Tropical mega thermal dry (TMd) (Coastal), Tropical mega thermal semiarid (TMsa) (Coastal), Tropical mega thermal semi-humid (TMsh) (Coastal), Equatorial mesothermal semi-humid (EMsh) (Andean) and Equatorial mesothermal dry (EMd) (Andean), High Mountain equatorial (HMe) (Andean). Wavelet coherence was applied between ONI, SOI, Niño 1+2, and CDD indices, obtaining significant correlations greater than 0.8 in several zones. The results showed that ONI-CDD maintained a positive correlation in RM-Amazonian, TMh (Coastal and Amazonian), EMd, and HMe. In contrast, TMsa presented negative correlations. Both correlations showed the highest values during 1995-2001. SOI-CDD were positively correlated in TMsa, while the correlation was negative in RM-Amazonian, TMh (Coastal and Amazonian), EMsh, EMd, and HMe. From 1995 to 2003 presented the highest correlation. Niño1+2-CDD showed significant positive correlations during 1995-2001 in the areas close to the Amazonian region: RM-Amazonian, TMh-Amazonian, EMd, and HMe, while the correlations were negative near the Coastal region: RM-Coastal, TMd, TMsa, TMh-Coastal and EMsh. Therefore, El Niño indices have a significant relationship with dry periods in the Amazonian and the Andean regions. In contrast, these indices have relationships with wet periods in the Coastal region. These results could be a benchmark for developing advanced studies for climate hazards

Institución de afiliación del ponente Universidad del Azuay - Instituto de Estudios de Régimen Seccional del Ecuador (IERSE)
Temáticas Climatología e hidrometeorología
Área/Area Cambio climático
Contexto de la investigación Pasado

Autores primarios

Mrs Jheimy Pacheco Nivelo (Universidad del Azuay) Dr Alex Avilés (Universidad de Cuenca) Dr Abel Solera (Research Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA), Universitat Politècnica de València) Mr Darío Zhiña (Universidad de Cuenca)

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