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4-7 diciembre 2023
America/Guayaquil timezone

Improving mechanical properties of Chitosan films: Sustainable eco-friendly packaging

4 dic. 2023 15:41
Poster Tecnología, ingeniería y construcción en el contexto del cambio climático, biodiversidad y sostenibilidad Sesión de posters / Poster session + Coffee Break - 1 - Edificio de Servicios Académicos. Planta Baja.


Ms Paula Dayana Ponce Narvaez (Universidad Yachay Tech)


In this study, chitosan films were fabricated with varying concentrations of glycerol and propylene carbonate as additives to investigate their impact on both structural and mechanical properties. In order to identify structural changes Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffractometry techniques were utilized, unveiling subtle structural differences present within the chitosan films. Furthermore, the mechanical properties unveiled a substantial augmentation in the mechanical attributes of the chitosan films, suggesting a synergetic effect of glycerol and propylene carbonate on mechanical performance. These findings bear paramount significance across diverse industrial sectors, with particular emphasis on sustainable packaging solutions.

Contexto de la investigación Presente
Temáticas Innovación tecnológica
Institución de afiliación del ponente Universidad Yachay Tech
Área/Area Sostenibilidad

Autor primario

Ms Paula Dayana Ponce Narvaez (Universidad Yachay Tech)


Dr Thibault Terencio (Universidad Yachay Tech) Prof. Carlos Loyo (Universidad Yachay Tech) Dr Floralba López (Universidad Yachay Tech)

Materiales de la presentación