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4-7 diciembre 2023
America/Guayaquil timezone

Determination of chlorogenic acids in leaves of Ilex guayusa at different stages of maturity and sunlight exposure.

4 dic. 2023 16:16
Poster Ciencias básicas, de la vida y ambientales en el contexto del cambio climático, biodiversidad y sostenibilidad Sesión de posters / Poster session + Coffee Break - 1 - Edificio de laboratorios. Planta Baja.


Thomás Garzón Moreno (IKIAM)


Ilex guayusa is an Amazonian plant recognized for its medicinal and energetic potential that, despite its traditional consumption, its commercialization is limited to its use as an energy drink, underutilizing its benefits. Among the components of Ilex guayusa are chlorogenic acids, which help modulate metabolism, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and have potential antimicrobial activity. In this sense, the focus of the following work is to identify the optimal harvesting conditions of the plant to maximize the production of chlorogenic acids from Ilex guayusa by determining its concentration through an accurate analytical method, thus benefiting the industry and its consumers. Therefore, the research focuses on the relationship between chlorogenic acids and factors such as plant age, sunlight and soil. Through the collection of samples of Ilex guayusa from three different chakras in the eastern region of the Ecuadorian state, specifically in the city of Tena in the province of Napo, differentiated by a soil quality index that was evaluated by the concentration of heavy metals present in different soil samples collected in the chakras. Based on this, an experimental factorial design with mixed levels was used to evaluate the influence of factors such as age and sunlight. The results show a clear difference in the concentrations of chlorogenic acids according to the variables considered, highlighting that young leaves under light conditions have a higher concentration of chlorogenic acids. The study suggests that the concentration of chlorogenic acids in young leaves of Ilex guayusa increases with greater exposure to sunlight, indicating that early growth under higher levels of light could improve the production of these compounds.

Temáticas Aplicaciones biológicas de la química y fitoquímica
Institución de afiliación del ponente IKIAM
Área/Area Biodiversidad
Contexto de la investigación Presente

Autor primario


Zulay Marina Niño Ruiz (IKiam) Dr Noroska Gabriela Salazar Mogollon (Universidad Regional Amazonica Ikiam)

Materiales de la presentación