This experimental work is focused on an environmental and ethnobo-tanical evaluation of the medicinal flora of the parishes of Jadán, Zhidmad and Santa Ana, which belongs to “Bosque Protector Aguarongo”. Therefore, a series of activities were planned within the mentioned parishes that allowed us to obtain about 117 medicinal species through the application of 54 surveys using the "snowball" sampling method and 66 contributions of new species in the ethnobotanical tours carried out with the help of 10 key informants from the different communities. This way it was possible to evaluate the cultural richness of the communities and the characteristics of the fraction of the population that has access to this transgenerational knowledge, finding that in majority, the female population is responsible for maintaining and applying this knowledge. However, the loss of this cultural knowledge with the new generations due to various factors must be highlighted. It was also found that the forest areas evaluated have a high plant diversity by ap-plying diversity measurement methods such as Shannon and Simpson, finding the predominance of plant families such as Asteraceae and Fabaceae. It was also possible to infer the low frequency of abundance of families such as Orchidacea and Amarilidacea, which are indicators of climate change impact within the “Bosque Protector Aguarongo”. In addition, about 13 shrub and tree species were found, which have a low presence in the forest and could be used for reforestation plans to mitigate climate change within the forest and its area of influence.
Contexto de la investigación | Pasado |
Temáticas | Ecología y ecosistemas |
Área/Area | Sostenibilidad |
Institución de afiliación del ponente | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana |