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4-7 diciembre 2023
America/Guayaquil timezone

Earthquake relocation with stochastic inverse problem resolution in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon

6 dic. 2023 12:30
Edificio de Laboratorios. Aula 2B

Edificio de Laboratorios. Aula 2B

Oral Presention/ Presentación Oral Ciencias básicas, de la vida y ambientales en el contexto del cambio climático, biodiversidad y sostenibilidad Sesión Oral / Oral Session 2.8


Sebastián Araujo Soria (Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam)


As of December 2021, we installed three-component Raspberry Shake seismic stations at Ikiam University, Atacapi, and Alto Tena in Napo, Ecuador. These stations record the P and S waves of the earthquakes that can be attached to the data from the Ecuadorian Seismic Network (RENSIG). We are interested in using these data sets to relocate the earthquakes reported by RENSIG in the crust of the Northern Amazon Region of Ecuador. This zone has two active fault regions. One is the border between the North Andean Sliver and the South American Plate, which has mainly transpressive activity. Another fault zone is the thrust zone in the Eastern North Andean Belt. Then, we define a study zone between -78.5 W to -77.15 W and from -1.42 S to 0.3 N. We use the LOCIN software incorporating the stochastic solving inverse problem method to relocate the earthquakes according to the Valette-Potin algorithm. This method represents the location of an earthquake using a probability density function (PDF). The hypocenter of the earthquake is obtained at the maximum value of the PDF. To get this maximum value, LOCIN uses a grid search method. The massive volume of calculations that this method implies makes it necessary to use parallel computing in a cluster that, in this case, is provided by the University of Grenoble Alpes. Between December 2021 and June 2023, we relocated 14 seismic events, and location errors were reduced to less than 10 km in all cases and less than 5 km in most events. These low errors allow us to relate the earthquakes with the active faults. By correlating the events with the faults, we can obtain a more precise image of the tectonics of the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon and highlight the importance of having more seismic stations in the studied area.

Temáticas Geociencias, geotecnia y minas
Institución de afiliación del ponente Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam
Contexto de la investigación Presente
Área/Area Sostenibilidad

Autor primario

Sebastián Araujo Soria (Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam)

Materiales de la presentación