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22-25 noviembre 2022
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador
America/Guayaquil timezone

What does Impact factor really means?

23 nov. 2022 16:00
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Poster Publishing process .


Ana Gabriela Andrade Sosa (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)


The advances of science and technology in our society are due to the research that is carried out both in the academy, in government institutions or laboratories of the private sector, therefore research is what propels humanity forward. The purpose of the research process is to generate new information or deepen understanding of a topic or issue, thus research empowers humankind with knowledge. This process begins with the innate curiosity to understand the natural world and the ideas that surround us. It is believed that all research should be published, moreover one can say that "research that is not published has not been done". Therefore, once the research is finished and the results are available, the process of publishing and choosing the journal begins, so that we start thinking about the impact factor of the journal in which it would be good to publish our research; yet, what does really impact factor mean? Impact factor (IF) is commonly used to evaluate the relative importance of a journal within its field and to measure the frequency with which an article in a journal has been cited in a particular time period. Journals which publishes more review articles will get highest Ifs. Peer-reviewed journals try to have a publishing process in which thoroughness and helpfulness of the research subject is considered, however, peer review in journals with higher impact factors tends to be more thorough in addressing study methods but less helpful in suggesting solutions or providing examples. In fact, the IF is frequently used as an indicator of the importance of a journal to its field. The IF of a journal is not associated to the factors like quality of peer review process and quality of content of the journal, but is a measure that reflects the average number of citations to articles published in journals, books, thesis, project reports, newspapers, conference/seminar proceedings, documents published in internet, notes, and any other approved documents. Journal which publishes more review articles will get maximum IFs. The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is a prominent metric linked to the value of academic journals, as well as career prospects of researchers. In general citations of the published articles occur mainly in the first two years, therefore the real “value” of a scientific publication should not rely in the journal IF in which appears the study, but in the impact of the studied topic in a community o society and how this can enhanced the quality of their lives.

Theme Publishing process

Autores primarios

Ana Gabriela Andrade Sosa (Universidad San Francisco de Quito) Dr Lourdes Orejuela Escobar (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)

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