Bienvenido al sistema de Congreso, Eventos y talleres de la Universidad IKIAM
22-25 noviembre 2022
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador
America/Guayaquil timezone

Latino researchers without borders: international research cooperation as a critical strategy for successful training

23 nov. 2022 15:40
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Poster Equity, diversity and inclusion .


Mrs Inés Carolina Hernández Guerra (USFQ-IKIAM-UC)


Hernandez., I (2022). The experience lived during the professional practice program at USFQ, as part of the doctoral research that began in Venezuela and continued through the agreement with the IKIAM-USFQ University, was possible thanks to the "Business Contact" program. USFQ 2021-2022". This university offers multiple academic and experimental facilities through this program to international students, who can develop experimental work and, at the same time, through technology, continue with professional training from our country of origin in collaboration with the Ikiam university. These joint actions strengthen each student's specialization to complete the graduate degree. Hence, universities involved in these initiatives as avant-garde institutions in cutting-edge technology research applicable to the strategic sector of hydrocarbons and their derivatives contribute to the sustainable development of nations. In addition, the warm welcome of a collaborative and consolidated work group is essential for the fulfillment of the objectives of the research project. Cooperation between all team members, from seniors to juniors, through exchanging ideas, experiences, and contributions, is fundamental for the knowledge and technology transfer between teachers and researchers from other disciplines. The opportunity to participate in national and international talks and conferences has empowered me in team management, communication skills, and teamwork, making it a unique experience. Even though my training has been in oil engineering, the work in circular bioeconomy and bio-refinery in the GICAS laboratory aroused my interest in investigating biomass treatments applying my knowledge beyond my field of expertise for the use and obtaining of natural products, such as surfactants, biopolymers, and fuels.

Theme Equity, diversity and Inclusion

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