Bienvenido al sistema de Congreso, Eventos y talleres de la Universidad IKIAM
22-25 noviembre 2022
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador
America/Guayaquil timezone

Effective Writing Strategies to Increase Citations

25 nov. 2022 8:45
Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Centro de Convenciones Charles Darwin. San Cristóbal.Galápagos, Ecuador

Oral Publishing process Oral session


Dr FRANK ALEXIS (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)


Writing publications is one of our academic duties to share the advances of the state of the art with the community. Due to the current ranking system of the universities, the number of citations remain a criterion of discussion. Nevertheless, there are some practical writing and visibility strategies to increase the number of citations. We will discuss relevant and practical ways to boost the citations possibilities to provide guidelines to the authors during the publishing process.

Theme Publishing process

Autor primario

Dr FRANK ALEXIS (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)

Materiales de la presentación

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